World leaders condemn Hamas violence

What is Hamas?

Hamas: A Palestinian Sunni-Islamist fundamentalist military organization and political party.

world leaders condemning Hamas for its use of violence against Israel, including rocket attacks, suicide bombings, and tunnel warfare.

World Leaders said they are deeply concerned about the escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza and they condemn the indiscriminate rocket attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians."

Impact of Hamas violence

Hamas violence: Devastating impact on civilians on both sides, with hundreds killed and injured, and lives and livelihoods disrupted.

What can be done to stop the violence?

To stop violence: Negotiated peace agreement, ceasefire monitored by international observers, economic development plan for Gaza.

What can I do to help?

Help stop violence: Learn more about the conflict, speak out against violence, donate to organizations helping civilians, support efforts to find a peaceful solution.


Conclusion: Hamas violence is a tragedy. World leaders must work together to find a peaceful solution.


Resources: UN OCHA, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International.