Kaiser workers 100-day labor strike in 1945-1946

Kaiser workers fought for

Higher wageBetter benefitSafer working conditionUnion recognition

Strike delayed ship construction

Strike ended with Kaiser agreeing toRecognize the United Steelworkers unionGive workers a raise

Kaiser strike was one of theMost important labor strikes in American historyHelped improve working conditions for shipbuilderShowed the power 

Kaiser strike data Number of workers involved: 80,000+ Duration of the strike: 100+ day Cost of the strike: $100 million+ Number of ships delayed: 1,000+ Number of jobs lost: 100,000+

Quotes from the strike

“We're not striking for more money. We're striking for dignity.” - Kaiser worker

“The Kaiser strike is a fight for the rights of all workers.”  United Steelworkers president Philip Murray 

“The Kaiser strike is a test of the strength of the labor movement.” - President Harry Truman

Kaiser workers campaign for a pay up.  1945-1946