“Addressing Immigration Reform: Transforming Unauthorized Immigration into a Serious State-Level Offense | Opinion”

Larry Elder is the 2024 Republican candidate for the office of President of the United States. He is the author of ” My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation.”

Remember the border crisis? Despite deliberate oversight from Biden Democrats and their media allies, the grip of unauthorized aliens persists on the southern border.

Here are some facts on unauthorized immigration in the U.S:

  • Every day, around 5,000 unauthorized border crossings occur in the United States.
  • Since President Biden took office, almost six million unauthorized foreign nationals have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Moreover, due to Biden’s “catch and release” policies, over two million unauthorized aliens have been released into the U.S., along with an additional 1.3 million known “got-away” cases.
  •  Over 22 million unauthorized foreign nationals are currently residing unlawfully in the U.S.

And the problem is worsening. The Pentagon has recently approved for 400 American soldiers to remain stationed at the border until the conclusion of August, extending their presence beyond the initial 90-day assignments. ICE, long understaffed on the border, has been compelled to increase the number of special agents on the border, while DHS is enlisting more volunteers to assist with processing at the border amid an increase in apprehensions.

Considering the feeble leadership of the Biden administration, another surge is inevitable. It doesn’t matter how sternly border agents call for reinforcement; open-border Democrats will look the other way.

For years, Republicans have allowed Democrats to claim the moral high ground on immigration in hopes of bipartisan progress. However, Democrats have no interest in bipartisanship; driven by political motives to garner new votes, they are keen on opening the doors to unauthorized immigration. They are shifting the fundamental discourse to paint Republicans as agents of evil, maintaining this until when?

In recent years, terms like “undocumented immigrant” or “unauthorized immigrant” have entered mainstream discussions as journalists aligned with Democrats try to leverage these terms to their advantage.

Let’s be clear. Neither the U.S. immigration law nor the U.S. Code uses “undocumented immigrant” or “unauthorized immigrant.” The precise and accurate legal term is “undocumented foreign national.” The term “alien” appears several times in the U.S. Code and is applied to those legally residing here, such as tourists or visa-holding students, as well as those residing unlawfully.

Those who argue that “undocumented foreign national” is somehow racially biased—despite being neutral on race and ethnicity—are the same ones endorsing unauthorized immigration. They are the ones advocating for open borders, attempting to transform unauthorized foreign nationals into democratic voters and political pawns. They are the same activists claiming support for African American and Latino communities within the city, despite clear and compelling evidence that unauthorized foreign laborers pose the greatest threat to these communities’ job opportunities.

unauthorized immigration from mexico

Why the U.S.-Mexico border crisis remains the worst crisis to date:

Unauthorized immigration is not only perilous but also immensely costly for American taxpayers.

The pure cost of unauthorized immigration for the United States—federal, state, and local levels—exceeds $150 billion annually.

Per taxpayer, the cost of unauthorized immigration is roughly over $1,200 each year.

The annual cost of an unauthorized foreign national or an unauthorized foreign-born child in the U.S. exceeds $8,000.

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The time for stringent action is now. Hence, I endorse laws at the state level that deem residing in the United States without proper authorization a criminal offense. This will empower American states to address the issue of unauthorized immigration on their own, especially when the federal government refuses to act based on partisan grounds. As President, I will ensure states are reimbursed for the cost of turning unauthorized residency into a grave offense while withholding federal funds from those states that fail to take steps to address the border crisis.

Let’s get serious. Federal law enforcement agents cannot tolerate the indifference and inaction of Washington, D.C. They cannot tolerate the weakness of America’s economy—further weakened by the Biden administration’s fiscal irresponsibility—putting American citizens’ jobs and livelihoods at risk by tolerating unauthorized immigration, particularly within the nation’s inner cities.

Penalize unauthorized foreign nationals for their lawlessness, and the border crisis will recede. They will think twice before violating U.S. soil—long before they ever set foot on American land. Let’s take immigration reform seriously.

This article is strictly based on the opinion of a person. It doesn’t belong to or have nothing to do with the Wind Bangers team or any person or source related to our channel. We strictly believe in the Law.

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